Douglas Hamilton is chairing a group at Tynedale Rugby Club which has been set up to make arrangements for the club's 150-year celebrations (TRFC Sesquicentenary) in Season 2026/27.
One of the group’s plans is to produce a booklet - a coffee-table type publication, A4 size with a semi-stiff cover.
The hope is that, apart from historical information, the book will contain comments from members, ex-players, friends, opponents, referees etc. giving a personal perspective on that person’s relationship and involvement with rugby and Tynedale RFC.
We therefore invite any supporter to contribute an article for the booklet about their individual memories of the rugby club, or stories or anecdotes. (NB All contributions would be subject to editorial control).
If you are interested in reminiscing please contact Douglas Hamilton ( or one of the members of our “Publications sub-group”;-
Brian Tilley (brian,
John Austin (
Wallace Cousin (
Robert Forster (
Thank You